Academic Calendar

Find all of the important dates that allow you to plan and prepare for the upcoming academic year or term.

Accessibility Services

Elmira College is an inclusive college committed to accommodating students with learning or other disabilities. These services can be accessed through the Academic Accommodations Coordinator at Elmira College by emailing

Human Research Review Board

The Human Research Review Board (HRRB) reviews all human subjects research at Elmira College (EC). HRRB approval is required if the data collected or the data analysis will be shared publicly, for example, through a journal publication or conference presentation. HRRB approval is needed even if the analysis will contain no identifiable information about participants in the study. A HRRB application must be submitted and approved by the HRRB before data collection begins if the researchers know the results will be publicly shared. Faculty and staff do not have to submit a HRRB application when they are collecting data from students and instructors for internal institutional purposes. For example, HRRB approval is not required to collect data for accreditation or program-improving purposes.

The HRRB is composed mainly of EC faculty and meets monthly to review research proposals. The HRRB reviews full board research and expedited research. When a study is approved, an approval letter is sent to the primary investigator (PI) by email. Studies deemed to be greater than minimal risk (aka Full Board) are typically approved for a one-year period. PIs wishing to continue research beyond their one-year approval time period must submit a continuing review. Studies deemed to be minimal risk (aka expedited) are typically approved for a two-year period. A continuing review is not required for the studies deemed to be minimal risk. The HRRB must approve any changes or modifications (formerly amendments) to an approved study before the researcher implements such changes for research determined to be full board or expedited.

HRRB Application for Review

HRRB Application for Exemption

Additional questions or information regarding the HRRB process may be sent to


The Gannett-Tripp Library is a vital and vibrant information hub. It's a center for research and study, of course; but it's also staffed with professionals to guide your inquiry and to satisfy your thirst for knowledge. Be it traditional books and journals or digital databases, our librarians will train you to find what you need.


Some relationships in our lives fade away, but the Office of the Registrar makes a permanent commitment to your educational record at Elmira College. From enrollment to graduation and beyond, the Office of the Registrar offers support and interprets academic policy for faculty, staff, and students alike.

Student Support

Located in the Gannett-Tripp Library, the Student Learning Commons brings together services that support student learning and student success, now and into the future, in one central location. Services in the Student Learning Commons include Library ServicesInformation Technology, the Elmira College and Mark Twain Archives, and the Center for Academic & Professional Excellence (CAPE). We are here to help you succeed!

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